Tuesday, March 31, 2009

accidental perfection

For a while i didn't know what it was that attracted me to this picture. There is nothing special about it. It's grainy, too dark, and the focal point is all weird due to the giant black angle [bridge] crossing the photo.

But my eye always kept coming back to it.

After staring at it for way to long the simple answer came to me; the photograph is fully Me.
It is everything i am, wish i was, or could ever hope to be. Far from perfect, yet what i believe to be captivating. The moodiness that comes from the rolling clouds and the warmth you feel when you look at the sun. It's simple; no color. Yet full of emotion.

This photo was a complete accident, from my lack of paying attention to the giant bridge ahead. I just wanted to get a snap of the sunset.

Who said good things don't come out of accident?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Call it what you want




Thursday, March 12, 2009

The value of my friend

Sometimes, all we need is a friend to show us what we truly care about. Only then will our eyes glisten.

Often, we just need our friends to grab our hand to say "Jump, i'll come with you".

Maybe, the friend will point out all your flaws. So you can love them.

Wish you were here...

Uh huh, YOU.
Because it's such a lovely day,
and i bet with you being here
we could make it fantastic....at least think about it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


What is art?
What is beautiful?